The Old Custom of pulling over for a Funeral Procession
I remember as a young child my dad and mom pulling over on the side of the road when a funeral procession was passing. Not only did they pull over, but it seemed everyone else did as well. It didn’t matter which side of the road. Now, I would note, I grew up in a small town where the roads weren’t any larger than a 2 lane divided highway. Actually not even a divided 2 lane highway in most places.
Today we hardly see such a thing. I wasn’t even sure how I felt about this custom as a child. When I grew up and went off to the bigger cities, I rarely ever saw this custom. In fact, looking back I don’t think anyone ever really told me why we practiced this custom. Although I do recall knowing it was about respect.
The custom of the funeral procession itself is as old as civilization. We assume pulling to the side of the road came with the invention of the motor vehicle. Maybe pulling over was just the function of getting out of the way, which was also showing respect. Maybe this occurred as well during the day of the horse and buggy. No matter when or how it got started, it certainly become the respectful thing to do.

But a few years ago my father passed away. He was cremated and we were going to scatter his ashes on the mountain at his home. We had a military service outside of the funeral home for the honor guard to fire. While I was sitting outside under the canopy, the honor guard began. I remembered looking out of the corner of my eye toward the road and becoming somewhat puzzled. Who were those folks standing out in the rain on the side of the road I thought to myself. After the ceremony I stood up to look closer and realized people had pulled off the side of the road, got out of their cars in the pouring rain to show respect. I was in tears. Again. I remember that feeling to this day.
In these busy times we live in, we sometimes forget to show respect at any level. Not to long after my fathers funeral, I had the opportunity to test myself. Driving home one day I saw the police car in my rearview mirror with several cars behind him with lights on. It wasn’t even a question, I needed to pull over, not because I was in the way, there was another lane, but because it was the right thing. Not only did I pull over, but everyone that I could see in front of me and in back did as well.
Maybe this isn’t an old custom. Maybe it’s just the right thing to do.
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